Sewing Tutorial: DIY Lavender Rice Handwarmer Sachets with Free Sewing Pattern

As I write this, there is snow falling softly on the ground. Winter may start in December, but I find February is often the coldest month in Pennsylvania. I’ve become a little stir-crazy in quarantine – winter walks help.

I have a fun, simple DIY project to create your own lavender rice handwarmers. These little sachets can be tucked in your pockets while you’re taking walks in cold weather, placed in your lap before your car heats up all the way, or used to warm your feet in bed. Pop them in the microwave for 30-60 seconds, and you’re good to go! And bonus: I also include a free pattern to make a cute case for your handwarmers as well!

Alternatively, you can make two and use them as soothing lavender eye pillows by chilling them in fridge for a few minutes. They are truly multi-use 😉

This is a great sewing project for beginners. I shared these sachets on Instagram, and many people wanted to see a tutorial. Let’s dig into it!

What you’ll need

Materials for the Sachet

  • My free lavender sachet pattern*

  • ¼ yard of cotton fabric (sometimes called a “fat quarter”) – Important: The fabric must be 100% cotton since you will be putting it in the microwave. Synthetic fabric will melt in the microwave.

  • Rice (uncooked), about 4 oz

  • Dried lavender, about 2-3 tsp

  • Funnel

Optional – Materials for a case for the Sachet

*This sewing pattern is for personal use only.


Sewing the Sachet

  1. Cut out the sachet on the fold. Press.

2. With a 3/8” seam allowance and right sides together, sew two sides of the sachet shut using a straight stitch.

3. When you get to the final side, leave about a 1.5-inch opening. You will need this opening so you can funnel the rice in.

4. Finish the seam allowances together with a zigzag stitch, pinking shears, or a serger.

5. Clip the corners of the sachet, being careful not to cut into the stitches. This will make the corners stick out more when you turn it inside-out.

6. Turn the sachet inside-out. Use a point-turner or a pencil to poke the corners out

7. Press the sachet. This step is optional, but it sets the seams and the handwarmer will look so much better if you do it.

8. Now for the fun part: Using your funnel, fill your sachet half full with rice. If you fill it too much, your sachet might not fit in the pillowcase. I put way too much rice in my sachet, and it’s a very snug fit in my pillowcase (lol).

9. Add lavender. I used a teaspoon because that’s all I had to spare after making multiple sachets, but I suggest using more (like 2-3 tsp). The more lavender you put, the more fragrant your heating pack will smell.

10. Fold the seams inward, and stitch your sachet shut with a machine straight stitch or a blanket stitch by hand. Your handwarmer is now done!

I made a little “pillowcase” for my sachet – that way I only have to worry about laundering the pillowcase, not the sachet. You can’t throw the sachets in the wash – they can only be spot-cleaned as the rice has to stay dry to be microwaveable.

Pro tip: I usually take the pillowcase off before microwaving the sachet – I find the sachet gets hotter this way.

Below, I show you how to make a pillowcase with an envelope-style closure – no need for buttons or zippers.

Sewing the envelope-closure “pillowcase”

1. Cut out all pattern pieces. After you cut out the front pillowcase pattern piece on the fold, unfold it and press to remove the crease.

2. We’re going to start off by hemming the back pattern pieces of the pillow. These two back pattern pieces create the envelope closure. Take one back piece and fold one long edge of the fabric in by 1/4.” Press. Fold it in by 3/8”. Press.

3. Stitch down the hem with a 3/8” seam allowance.

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for the other back pattern piece.

5. Place the 5” by 5” front pattern piece square down right side up. Align the top edge of one back pattern piece with the top edge of the front pattern piece, right side down (see photo below).

6. Align the bottom edge of the second back pattern piece with the bottom edge of the front pattern piece, right side down. Pin. (See photo below.)

7. Right sides together, stitch all four sides of the pillow with a 3/8” seam allowance.

8. Clip the corners, being careful not to cut into the stitches.

9. Finish the seam allowances together with a zigzag stitch, pinking shears, or a serger.

10. Turn the pillowcase inside-out. Use a point-turner or a pencil to poke the corners out.

11. Press your pillowcase.

12. Done! Pop your sachet in your pillowcase, and you are good to go.

You are all set to use your hand warmers!

If you don’t have access to a printer to print out my pattern, here are the measurements for the pattern pieces:

Sachet: 4.5” by 4.5” – cut on fold

Pillowcase front: 5” by 5” – cut 1

Pillowcase back: 5” by 3.75” – cut 2

I’d love to see your creations! Comment below or email me a photo at [email protected] so I can see what you made!

If you enjoyed making these sachets, you may also like my Lisa Scrunchie pattern. Check out this pattern hack tutorial on YouTube to make a romantic, glamorous Valentine’s Day bow.

Enjoy your wintry walks!

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